GitHub – How to Export Impact Graph to Image


I really like GitHub's impact graph about my Open Source project. I would like to include it in a presentation, so I would like to download it as an image.

How to export this graph to an image?

Anything smarter than taking hundreds of screenshots and assembling them?

That's the lame method I used last year to produce the image below (out-of-date):

image from last year

Best Answer

If you don't need the textual labels (which are drawn as <p> overlays), you could just right-click the graph in Firefox and choose "Save Image As..." (It's a <canvas> element and Chrome doesn't yet offer a save option for those).

If you do need the date labels, I'd suggest looking for a Firefox screenshot extension capable of grabbing a complete screenshot of a scrolling sub-element in one go. (I know they exist for <iframe> elements, so being able to do it for a scrolled <div> isn't outside the realm of possibility)