Facebook – Accented URL in Facebook page information


I'm trying to setting up a page in Facebook, but when inserting the website URL (www.associazionecreattività.it) Facebook tells me that it is not valid; same thing for the email address.

I think that it is because of the accent, but how can I write the URL correctly?

screen shot

Best Answer


You say that you've purchased the URL from a domain registrar - but if i go to that URL, it redirects to http://www.xn--associazionecreattivit-z2b.it/

If that is the correct behaviour, then you should quote http://www.xn--associazionecreattivit-z2b.it as the URL.

(Background: it seems that Italian registrars have found a way to sell URLs with accents, but fundamentally URLs can only have standard ASCII characters. At the current time. Ref: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp)