Facebook – Archive only reaches back to around mid 2012


Facebook has an option to download an archive of all your information. It takes some time to do this but after Facebook ends, they send you an email with a .zip file that has all your information. I'm interested in the Messages, but they're not complete, they're not the full history, it only goes so far (around mid 2012). It might be that this is deliberate, but it's supposed to have ALL the complete information. Any help would be appreciated as to how to download all the conversations

I've tried the zip process, manually going to the top (same), a Facebook app (MessageSaver), a Facebook add-on and an Android app. They all return the same number of messages.

Best Answer

According to Facebook the data may not be absolutely everything from inception:

We store different categories of data for different time periods, so you may not find all of your data since you joined Facebook. You will not find information or content that you have deleted because this is deleted from Facebook servers.