Facebook – Automatic Untagging in Facebook Photos Uploaded by a Specific Person


I maintain very tight privacy options on Facebook, and I want my Facebook experience to be friend-centric. Is there someway I can automatically untag myself from every photo someone (say a family member) uploads with myself tagged?

Best Answer

Sadly, it doesn't look like you can automatically untag photos of yourself from specific users.

From: How to Block Facebook Photos of Yourself

There is no way to prevent someone from tagging a photo with either your username, or your name as a tag. What’s possible is you can prevent other users from searching for photos of you.


Facebook emailed me back stating that there are no security settings to prevent anyone from tagging you in the first place

The only thing you can really do is to make all tagged photos of you hidden to others:

First visit your profile privacy page and modify the setting next to “Photos Tagged of You”. > Select the option which says “Customize…” and a box like the one pictured below will pop up. Select the option “Only Me” and then “None of My Networks” if you would like to keep all tagged photos private.