Facebook – Avoid IP-Based Redirect and News Feed


The problem:

There are certain product pages (e.g.: film, videogames) that basing on your ip automatically redirect you to the locale of where you are living. This forces me to see only pages (and updates/feeds) in German, when I want the English ones.

No matter if I "like" the page on the redirected page or on the forced English page, I get the updates in my news feed from the German version 😐

The question(s):

  • As a user of Facebook, is it possible and if yes, how (eg. with Facebook options, GreaseMonkey scripts) to avoid geo-ip redirection from pages?
  • Is it possible to receive the news feed in the desired language?

In the chat jonsca suggested me to have a look at this question from SU.SE:
I know that a proxy might do the job, but sincerely it would be my last resort (right after stop caring about those pages).

Best Answer

Fortunately you can now simply click the three dots on the page in question and choose "Switch Region...".

switch region