Facebook – Block non-promoted but unsolicited posts on Facebook


My Facebook news feed has been getting bombed a lot the past few days with posts from pages I haven't liked. For example, I like Roger Ebert. In the wake of his death, Scorsese, A/V Club, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (example below), etc, whom I have not liked, are showing up in my feed with their posts on him. The same thing happened with all Marvel Cinematic Universe properties last week, while I have only liked a couple of them. How do I block such posts?

An example of the content I want to block
Another example

I haven't had any luck searching Google/FB Help for promoted or sponsored content, but these aren't even the right terms. According to https://www.facebook.com/help/promote (under Where do my promoted posts show on Facebook?), promoted content is labeled "sponsored" under the "Like/Comment/Share" links.

Why is this happening now when it's never happened before? Is there a way to stop it? Is it now simply an unavoidable consequence of liking pages? If there's no way in Facebook's settings, is there a creative solution that involves something like AdBlock+?

Best Answer

In AdBlock Plus or a similar browser extension that can use ABP filters, simply add a Facebook Annoyances blocking list at facebook.adblockplus.me to ABP.

Its 'Block news feed annoyances' list blocks "Page X is posting about Page Y" content in your news feed. I recommend the 'Block all Facebook annoyances' list which blocks that and more Facebook annoyances.

If you just want to block "Page X is posting about Page Y" content, then just add the following custom filter to ABP (this filter is also from the Facebook Annoyances blocking list):
facebook.com##.storyContent > .storyUnconnectedPost