Facebook Tagging – How to Block Someone from Tagging You in Photos on Facebook


Out of my 600+ contacts on Facebook, there is a single one who's constantly tagging me on photos I'm not present. I don't want to block or unfriend him. I know it is possible to block app/game invites/requests from other users. Is there a way to block specific friends from tagging you in photos?

PS: this is not a duplicate of this question, I have the Timeline Review enabled, but still, I don't want the many notifications showing up and manually having to review and remove his tags.

Best Answer

No there is not a built-in setting in Facebook to stop a single friend from tagging you. But to solve this problem I suggest you the following:

  1. Ask him amicably not to tag you! Trust me, this is the best way to solve the issue!
  2. Remove tags each time after she/he tags you. She/he might understand you're feeling good with her/his tagging job!
  3. For each photo or post you're tagged in, you can choose to "Unfollow Updates", in order to not receive notifications from that specific post or photo anymore. Other users will continue to see the tag and the post might show up on their newsfeed.
  4. You definitely know that you can review tags from friends before being posted on your timeline. Even if you don't allow the tags to show up on your timeline, or even if you don't review the tags, other users will continue to see the tag and the post might show up on their newsfeed -- this controls only what shows up on your timeline.
  5. Also you can define what people can see the photos you are tagged in!

What you've asked here sounds to be a required need among Facebook users and why don't you contact Facebook and ask them to provide users with this feature?