Facebook – Blocking people on Facebook without flagging them as spammers


I want to block a [former] friend from seeing me on Facebook, but not flag them as a spammer. How do I do that?

Note – How can I know if one of my friends on Facebook is blocking me? is not related.

Best Answer

If you go to the Facebook privacy settings page and click on the Block Lists link you can block people by either name or email.

In addition you can block them by going to their profile page and clicking on the Report/Block this person link in the sidebar and then selecting Block this person.

This will pretty much remove their total access to your account:

If you block someone, they will not be able to find you in a Facebook search, see your profile, or interact with you through Facebook channels (such as Wall posts, Poke, etc.). Any Facebook ties you currently have with a person you block will be broken (for example, friendship connections, Relationship Status, etc.). Note that blocking someone may not prevent all communications and interactions in third-party applications, and does not extend to elsewhere on the Internet.extend to elsewhere on the Internet.