Facebook – Can a user with added role of admin invite friends to that fan page


I created a fan page, but I have 10 friends. My friend Mary (who also likes and follows my fan page) has 800 friends.

Being the fan page creator, I understand that I can promote my fan page by inviting my 10 friends to it.

My question is: if I make my friend Mary admin of my fan page, can she promote it and invite her friends?

Or is there any other way for Mary to invite her friends to my fan page?

Best Answer


Mary can invite her friend even if she is not an admin of that page or has not like or follow the page.

If she (or anyone) visit your page (or any other page), she will see Invite friends to like this Page option on page on the left hand side. By clicking on that she can invite her friends to like your page.

And as an admin she can do more things including inviting friends to like the page.