Facebook Privacy – Custom URL Bypassing ‘Who Can Look Up My Timeline’


I have a Facebook profile with a custom URL name. For example Catdog: www.facebook.com/Catdog.

So does that mean if someone enters: www.facebook.com/Catdog into their browser AND they are not my friend OR mutual friend, could still see my Timeline even though I've set "ONLY FRIENDS" in the "Who could look up my Timeline by name" options in the privacy settings?

Best Answer

No. Your privacy settings apply even to customized URLs for your Facebook profile.

There is always going to be some public information provided when people visit your profile page (Profile pic, basic info unless hidden). If you'd like to see what the public sees when visiting your profile, go to the Settings gear box on your Timeline and select "View as..."

The default view will show you how you appear to the public, as well as provide a box for you to see how your various friends see your profile as well.