Facebook chat alert “Friend is using an application to access chat.”


I am using the Facebook chat a lot but today something odd started happening. When I try to send my friends a message through the Facebook chat they will receive a pop up message saying something like

Friend is using an application to
access chat. To send him a message,
you must change your settings to
enable friends using applications to
see you when you're online.

I am not using any type of third party application to chat with. I did so when I tried chatting through my iPad some time ago but right now I am using the official chat.

Has anyone experienced this error and / or does anyone know how to fix it?

Best Answer

  1. Privacy Settings > Ads, Apps and Websites > Edit Settings
  2. How people bring your info to apps they use > Edit Settings
  3. ✓ If I'm online > Save Changes

Facebook.com - Privacy settings