Facebook – check the list of all sponsored stories I “liked”


Sometimes I see my friends associated to Facebook ads:

Sponsored Stories
John Doe likes SomeProduct.

I might have clicked "Like" on some things without being aware this would end up being used like this.

To avoid this, is there a place where I can see the list of all sponsored stories I "liked"?

I have looked here:

Profile > Info > Activities and Interests: Edit > Show Other Pages

But I am not sure if this the correct place?

Best Answer

You can get this info using the Graph API. One way to do this is to go to the Graph API info page - http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/

Here you will see links to get information about yourself (Profile details, Likes, Photo Albums...). These links contain an access token which is only valid for a short time so you cannot bookmark these links.