Facebook Comments – Admin per page


I have a website that has a collection of events and any member of the website can create & administrate their own events.

Each event basically has their own mini-site within the website with information, downloads, news items etc. I also have facebook comments on many of these mini-site pages.

What I want to do, is allow a member who has an event and is also logged in to my website using facebook login (i.e. I know their fb user id) to be able to administer any of the facebook comments within their own event mini-site.

So I guess what I am indirectly asking, is that if I add the <meta property="fb:admins" content="{event_admin_fb_user_id}" /> to each of the event mini-site pages that a user owns, will they be able to administer those comments and those comments only? I.e. they won't be able to administer comments on another users event mini-site (or any other page on the site for that matter).

UPDATE: Facebook comments feature request

So what I'm asking for isn't currently supported. I have added a feature request for this which has been added to the "wishlist".

You can view and vote for it here:

Best Answer

So what I'm asking for isn't currently supported. I have added a feature request for this which has been added to the "wishlist".

You can view and vote for it here: http://bugs.developers.facebook.net/show_bug.cgi?id=19276

Once the feature request has been accepted and implemented I will edit this answer. Thanks!