Facebook comments on 3rd-party sites


The Detroit newspapers recently switched their post-article comments to the Facebook platform.

Reluctantly, I opened a Facebook account in order to be able to comment on these sites. My comments show up (usually) on the website for ME — I can see them — but it's clear that nobody else is seeing the comments, as I have received no subsequent feedback (or "likes," for that matter) to my posts — either positive or negative — after commenting on 25+ articles.

I have absolutely no desire to use Facebook itself in any way, but would like my comments to appear on 3rd-party websites. Am I missing something basic here?

Best Answer

Sounds like you are being picked up as spam as all comments should be public (otherwise it defeats the purpose of the plugin)

If you choose to share a comment in the comments box, that comment is public and visible to everyone on the Internet. This is consistent with how comments work on most public websites.
-- Facebook Help: Who can see comments I make on other websites via the comment box plugin?

If you recently opened a Facebook account, have little or no connection on Facebook and commented recently on 25+ articles, then it definitely sounds like you are being caught by a spam filter of some sort or an admin banned you.

Admins can also blacklist words and ban users. If a new comment is published from a banned user or contains a blacklisted word, this comment will automatically have limited visibility.

Consider showing an example Detroit post from which you commented on to see if any of the community users can reproduce it.