Facebook – Crawl someone’s status updates on Facebook


Is there a tool out there that will crawl one of your friend's status updates and download them to a file? I'm doing some research and it's a pain to keep hitting "older posts.."

Best Answer

You may want to look at the questions on StackOverflow about the Facebook Graph API. Your solution for instance, may involve something like wget and a URL of the form (or similar): https://graph.facebook.com/USERNAME_HERE/feed.

E.g.: https://graph.facebook.com/cocacola/feed

In fact by examining the bottom previous/next links from this page, I can see that adding a query similar to ?limit=25 and perhaps even &since=2011-02-09T04 may be just what you need.

E.g.: https://graph.facebook.com/cocacola/feed?limit=100