Facebook – Create a feed of someone’s facebook wall


Is there a way to create a feed of a friend's facebook wall updates such as status updates, shared links, uploaded photos…?

I have been using the following to subscribe to a facebook page:


But it doesn't work with profiles (using the profile numerical ID). I was able to generate what looks like a JSON of someone's photos using an access token generated via developer tools:


The resulting page looks like this:

   "data": [
         "id": "<ID>",
         "from": {
            "name": "<NAME>",
            "id": "<ID>"
         "name": "Thuggin",
         "picture": "<LINK_TO_.JPG>",
         "source": "<LINK_TO_.JPG>",
         "height": 540,
         "width": 720,
         "images": [
               "height": 720,
               "width": 960,
               "source": "<LINK_TO_.JPG>"


I also tried all suggestion found on this website. No good.

Best Answer

Facebook seems to be phasing out RSS feeds for information. Using the API (graph.facebook.com), is the most reasonable approach. You will need to know how to parse JSON via a programming language of your choice.