Facebook Ads – Create Ad for People Who Like Specific Group or Page


I would like to boost a specific post and target people who liked a group or page that I do not own.

Can this be done or it's forbidden to prevent spam (or whatever)?

I used targeted advertising to create such group, but I was offered to (in/ex)clude people for my own page only.

Best Answer

Yes, this can be done and there's no problem in doing it. Matter of fact, groups and pages are used as "Topics" when it comes to this, along with other pages and topics.

Lets suppose I have a pet shop and I want to target people who have interests for pets, I could target - pets, cat, dog, pet community, pet page. In this context, pet community and pet page become a Topic, and can be added as a target-public, targeting the people who liked this topic (meaning page or community) as a potential public.

I could even add - Google, Facebook or any other page or company as a target-public if I feel it's in context.

This is also one of the reasons why, when you create a page, you have the option to chose in what section will your page fit, whether it's in - sports, movies, comedy, entertainment, technology etc..., to fit in Topics, which will be used later in this concepts, and of course to have more chances to be found in an accurately search, among other things.