Facebook Messenger – How to Disable Chat Availability


How do I disable Facebook chat availability? My chat is offline and I am using Windows 7 with Firefox. When I login with my other account through my mobile Facebook and open a chat conversation I see the account that I use on my computer is active "just now" whenever I move the mouse or refresh the page.

How do I disable that? Is there some specific heartbeat message that is possible to be blocked through AdBlock Plus or something?

Best Answer

Okay I have found the solution to block this status.

Basically Facebook uses a timer and so it will send a heartbeat message to their servers with the idle time every x minutes.

Here is an example of such web request:


If you read that link you'll see that &idle=117 is the total seconds the account has been idle for. The state=offline stands for whether the chat is active or offline

Note that I have replaced my userid which is a number of 15 digits.

So to disable this just add the following rule in your AdBlock filters:


One drawback of this method is that you will not receive messages in real time. You must refresh the page to get the messages.