Facebook – How to Disable Facebook Notifications for Top Stories


In the last few days, I've started getting Facebook notifications both in the web app and on iOS for some status updates or photo uploads from friends.

The notifications have a star icon and the URL includes notif_t=top_news_story, suggesting I get notifications for "top stories".

I would prefer it the way it was before, where I only get notifications for comments on my stuff, when I'm tagged in a picture etc.

I haven't yet found the setting to disable this. Anyone?

Best Answer

I came here looking for help on this same issue and instead found the answer myself and thought I would share:

  • Click on the "Notifications" button / icon at the top left of your profile (third button to the right of the FB logo).

  • Hover over the offending notification and an "x" will appear at the top right of the said notification.

  • Click on the "x" ("Turn Off") and you will be asked to confirm "Turn off top friend activity notifications"

The End