Facebook Videos – How to Disable ‘UP NEXT’ Popup and Next Video Play


At the last 6-7 seconds of each video, Facebook has a popup in the bottom right corner of the video that will play next.

It's very annoying, since it hides part of the video (especially if there are subtitles), and it takes the attention to that new popup.

I can press cancel, but mostly it will just suggest another video and then another one – where usually I'll arrive to one that can't be canceled, which automatically start a new video.

Is there anyway to disable those? I'm not interested in the next video, and certainly not in a popup that hides the current video in favor of the next one.


enter image description here

Best Answer

I wrote a user script that does that!

Available on my GitHub, on Greasy Fork and OpenUserJS, under the MIT license.

What it does

  • It checks if it's on a video page (URL contains /videos/) and if so:
    • It checks every half a second if the popup appeared, and if so - removes it.
    • It also cancels the next video from playing automatically.

The code snippet

It's recommended to use one of the links I mentioned above, linking to a .user.js file, since it will allow your user script manager[1] to update the script when such update is available.

[1] I'm using Tampermonkey and so it was created and tested with it, other user script managers might also work.

'use strict';

var videoPageIntervalID = 0;
var waitingForPopup = false;
var currLocation = '';

(function() {
    videoPageIntervalID = window.setInterval(onVideoPage, 1000);

function waitForUpNextToDisaply() {
    var selector = $("div:contains('UP NEXT')").eq(-8)
    if(selector.length === 1) {
        // remove the popup and cancel the play next
        console.log('popup removed!');
        waitingForPopup = false;
    else {
        setTimeout(function() {
            // console.log('waiting..');
            waitingForPopup = true;
            if (location.href.indexOf("/videos/") != -1) {
            } else {
                waitingForPopup = false;
        }, 500);

function onVideoPage() {
    if (location.href.indexOf("/videos/") != -1 && !waitingForPopup && location.href != currLocation ) {
        console.log('arrived to video page: ', location.href);
        currLocation = location.href;


If you want to remove the popup but still play the next video automatically, replace the 8 in $("div:contains('UP NEXT')").eq(-8) with 10 - it will remove the whole popup object, not only the visible part and so since it doesn't exist at all, Facebook will play the next video automatically.