Facebook – Does Poking a User Lift Their Ban?


If someone was reported by other users on Facebook, Facebook will issue a temporary warning/ban.

Many users, when faced with this problem, ask their friends to comment/poke/share etc their posts to lift the ban.

However, I can't find any reference to any Facebook help page that explains this.

Does this method actually work? If so, is there any reference to what is the best action (preferably from Facebook docs)? If not, is there any other method that works?

Best Answer


Banned for using Facebook or a feature cannot lifted before the time period given. A user has to wait till that time.

From Facebook Help Center:

Facebook has policies in place to stop behavior that other people may find annoying or abusive. We've determined that you used a feature in a way that could be considered abusive, even if you didn't mean to.

A few things to keep in mind about your block:

  • Blocks are temporary and can last a few hours or a few days
  • We can't lift this block for any reason