Facebook – Friend Status Update Notification


Since Facebook allowed users to "subscribe" to other users, I receive a notification when certain friends update his or her status. I've checked the subscription settings of these friends, and I don't see anything different than those of non-notification friends. Does anyone know how to turn this feature on/off per friend?

Best Answer

If they are on your "Close Friends" list then by default you will be notified whenever they post. To turn that off, click on "Close Friends" in the left sidebar (if it is not there then click "More" next to "Lists" and then click "Close Friends"). Then click on "Notifications" at the top and choose "Off". Of course you could also remove the person from your "Close Friends" list.

Groups are the same way. If you do not want to receive notifications for posts to the group, click on the group name, then Notifications at the top of the page and choose "Off".