Facebook – Getting non Facebook friends to like the page


  1. Can my non Facebook friends like my page?
  2. Can I invite people to like my page that are not friends on my personal Facebook page? I don’t want some people to be my friend but I want them to like the page.

Best Answer

Yes, people who are not Facebook-friends of your personal profile are allowed to Like a Facebook page that you administer, and thus become a Fan of that page.

I do not think that you can personally invite them to do so, through Facebook.

But you can do things like:

  • Put a message to "Like our page on Facebook" onto your website, or into an email that you send out.

  • Put a "Please like us" message somewhere on the page itself

More subtly, you can use the Page (not your personal profile) to like other Pages, and the contribute to discussions on the other Pages' walls: this will cause some of the people reading those pages to look at your Page, and perhaps they may Like it.