Facebook Graph Search doesn’t work after recent update


So for those who aren't aware, graph search was very powerful. You could find Graph Search to search for events, people, Pages on a variety of parameters using Natural Language Phrases
For example:

People who work in <Company> and live in <Location> would show all people working in a certain company living in a certain location (provided these were updated in their profiles).

Similarly, Future events named <searchtag> happening in <location> would show you all events that were happening in your city. If you removed the <searchtag> it would simply show you all events

These features stopped working after the recent update and I can't figure out why. Now all it does is show search for the phrase withing posts. None of the useful stuff.

I have no idea what happened since I can only find news articles praising the update since it makes graph search work on mobile.

Also, changing language to English (US) doesn't work. I've already tried changing it to English (UK), spanish, german, hungarian and Klingon and then back to English US.

That's not the problem. And I'm not the only one facing this problem from the looks of it.

Read the comments on the wall.

Best Answer

This is partially true.

Facebook Graph Search is still available. It seems to not display for long queries and also for correct queries (fuzzy searches seem to be dropping) and favouring post searches instead.

People who work at Facebook (not People who work in Facebook)

Facebook Query

People who work at Facebook and live in Ireland

Facebook Query

Future events named Carnival

Facebook Query

Future events named Carnival happening in Brazil

Facebook Query

So it seems Facebook Full Text Search and Facebook Graph Query Search share the query depending on the data supplied.

The best thing to do will be to just play with the queries until Facebook provides a better UI.