Facebook – Hide Facebook Page event during creation


I'm trying to create an event for a Facebook Page that I'm administering. However, as soon as I create it, it goes public.

I seem to remember that there used to be some way to create events as hidden, fine-tune everything (graphics, descriptions, etc), then, once the time is right, flip a switch to make it public and start inviting people.

The privacy icon is on the event page, but it's just stuck at being public and grayed out.

Anyone know of any way to do this?

Best Answer

As far as I know, this can only be done for Events created within the context of your personal account, where Facebook allows you to control various aspects of Privacy.

On the other hand, it cannot be done for Events created within the context of a Page, because Pages are inherently public entities, and thus items such as Events, Photos, or Posts cannot be make private to any degree.

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