Facebook – Hide Friends’ Page Likes from Newsfeed


I like seeing when my friends like a picture or video. However, I'm tired of seeing pages that they like. I could care less about that stuff. Is there a way to hide just the page likes?

Best Answer

  • Peek into the profile of that particular friend (even from within your News Feed, by hovering over the name of the friend, or by explicitly visiting his Wall)
  • Hover over the Friends button
  • If you wish, you can uncheck the "Show in News Feed" to hide all of his activity, or
  • Choosing "Settings..." will bring you to the following submenu, where you can enable/disable the particular subcategories as you wish.
  • In particular, Comments and Likes appear as a single, unified, choice. Thus disabling "Likes" will also disable "Comments".

Facebook submenu for choosing specific update-types for a given friend that will appear in your News Feed