Facebook – Hiding a friend completely on Facebook


I would like to hide a friend completely on Facebook without blocking. This means that I don't want to see any updates about the person, the person's name won't show up in autocompletion, and I cannot access the person's Facebook profile page, without the person knowing anything is done on my side.

I have checked out the chrome extension "Eternal Sunshine", which comes very close to my needs, but I strongly want to have no access to the Facebook profile page/no name shows up in autocompletion.

I believe this can be done by js/jquery, but as I am still a novice on that, it'll be better if there's an existing extension having this function already. May I know if any such extension is currently available?

Best Answer

what you are talking about is called - un subscribing from your friend's feed.

  1. Login to your facebook account
  2. Go to your friend's page and you will unsubscribe button. Just click on the buttona nd you will have the option to choose from - Unsubscribe from all posts, subscribe to important feeds only, subscribe to all feeds. Just choose unscribe and you will not see any more feeds.