Facebook – Hiding Facebook “Comment activity” and “Friending activity” prevents status updates from showing up on the own wall


On Facebook, since I selected "Comment activity" and "Friending activity" as my "Hidden story types", whenever I post a link or a status on my own wall, it disappears from my wall and is only visible in the news feed.

I know my friends can see what I post on their news feed but not when they check my wall.

Is it a bug?
If it is intended, how to have my wall display my links and status updates, while hiding "Comment activity" and "Friending activity"?

Best Answer

same thing happened to me. this helps though:


On the Facebook wall,on the right hand of your recent activity you’ll find a button from where you get two options, to remove the post (nothing new) and “hide all friending activity” A popup window needs your confirmation. Also there you have a link to your profile story settings manager. You can access at any time this settings.

enter image description here

Same thing and with the “like” notifier. You can now hide all “like” activity. Actually, you have now a more flexibility in set the privacy options for almost all things what are posted on your Facebook wall. Test this settings yourself!

enter image description here

The profile story settings manager unfortunately is not easy to be find. You can spend time to take a look in any profile or account setting but you never find it. The link for this settings is placed at very bottom of your Facebook wall. Scroll down your wall, wait to load stories, scroll again and there you will find the link pointed in the previous screenshot.

enter image description here