Facebook – How does Facebook know about the fake Yahoo account


I have a Facebook account. About 4 years ago I registered on Yahoo to use Yahoo Answers. I entered entirely fake details. I check my Yahoo email very rarely, maybe once a year.

When I checked today, I see a bunch of spam messages from Facebook, around 300 since June 2012 with 100 in only the last month, titled “Do you know MY_REAL_NAME? Get on Facebook now and add as a friend.”

My question is how does Facebook know about my fake Yahoo account and its email address? I have never shared my Facebook details on Yahoo and likewise never shared my fake Yahoo account details on Facebook.

Also, in some of the messages I get another 9 random strangers listed in the email beside my name with the same ”Do you know X?“ message, mostly girls.

The sender is update……..@facebookmail.com and all the links point to facebook.com there is even an unsubscribe button that opens a page on facebook. It very much looks like to me that they are official facebook emails.

Best Answer

It is spam. The sender is just pretending to be Facebook but it is not.

You're fine by just ignoring the e-mails