Facebook – How does one prevent Facebook from automatically combining uploaded photos in the timeline


If I use the secret email address to upload photos to my Facebook timeline, the photos will automatically be shown in one single post if I upload them within a certain timespan (after a day or so, Facebook will create a new post. Apparently the engine assumes that images uploaded one after the other somehow belong together).

Is there a way to always make Facebook use one post per image, even if the images are part of one album, no matter how short the timespan between each upload?

(I know I can use different albums, but I don't know how to do that using the email function. And sorry if I didn't get the terminology right – I'm a Facebook newbie AND German)

Best Answer

If the photos are part of the same album, I do not see the need to clutter friend feeds with multiple posts. Facebook clumps events, they have even started clumping interests (friends talking about Harry Potter) to clear up the streams. So I do not think separate posts for the same event (i.e. adding photos to the same album) is possible.

Using the personalized email address all photos will be sent to the Mobile Uploads album. You then need to access the non-mobile site from a browser and make your changes to the appropriate album. So edit the mobile uploads album and move the photos to the appropriate album. The events (posts) will then re-adjust themselves to the new events such as

phwd added 3 new photos to the album Pancakes

phwd added 2 new photos to the album Running

instead of

phwd added 5 new photos to the album Mobile Uploads