Facebook – How NOT to see updates in the Facebook feed from people in the Restricted list


I use Facebook lists a lot, including the Restricted list. Based on my understanding, people in Restricted can only see what's public on my profile (i.e., just like none-friends can). All good.

What I want:
I don't want to see updates from my "Restricted" friends in my news feed.

What happens: Yet, their status updates keep appearing in my feed.

I tried: Changing the settings of the Restricted list via the "Manage List" dropdown menu. I unchecked all the types of updates. But it doesn't work. Strange.

enter image description here

Does someone have a solution??

I am left needing to manually Unsbuscribe from each person individually. In fact, when the update of a "Restricted" friend appears in my feed, and I open the Subscription menu (by clicking the arrow on the right of their post), I can see that I am still subscribed to them ("Most Updates" is checked by default).

enter image description here

So, can we really control subscriptions at the list level?

Before you ask, these Restricted friends are NOT in another list. Even if they were, the most restrictive list should prevail. But again, they are not.

Best Answer

In order to not see updates from people you have placed on your restricted list you'll have to go to their profile, mouse over "Subscribed" and then select "Unsubscribe".

If you go to a Friend's profile and the word "Subscribe" is there you aren't subscribed to any of their posts, so none will be coming through on your newsfeed.