Facebook – How to add a photo album to a Facebook group


How do you add a photo album to a Facebook group? If the option doesn't exist, is there a viable option?

Best Answer

You are only able to post photos to a Facebook group if the group admin allows it. If photo uploads are allowed you can upload a maximum of five photos at a time. There is no limit on moving photos between albums.

From the Facebook FAQ Article

How do I post photos to a group?

Group admins can select whether photos can be posted to a group from the Customize tab of the Edit Group page. If photos are enabled, admins may allow all group members or only other admins to post them. Admins also have the ability to remove any photos they do not want to be associated with their group.

If you are allowed to add photos, you can do this by clicking the "Photos" icon in the Publisher at the top of the group’s main page. You can select up to five photos at a time to upload, or move as many photos as you want from an existing album. If this is an open group, the photos will be visible to everyone who views the group. Photos posted on closed and secret groups are only visible to other members.