Facebook – How to allow only select few to post on Facebook Group I am Admin of


I want to allow selected people to post on Facebook Group and not all. Others can reply/comment to post, like and share etc.

Currently I see "Only Admin" or "All" setting in posting permission.

Another questions that exist here don't want to allow commenting by the general members but I want to allow reacting and commenting to the post created by selected members ( allowed to post). Also, answer is not available there.

Best Answer

From this thread on Facebook support page:

When you have post approval turned on, there is an option when somebody posts to always allow them to post (with out approval). Note once you give them that approval the only way to take it away is to remove them from group and then they have to request to come back.

Diving a bit deeper, however, I found this caveat:

you cant get the option in in your mobile facebook app. I used a web browser to get the option. Once you approved the post, The following comes automatically.

This post was approved and published to the group. View the post. Automatically approve posts by Mr Xy.

So, apparently, it's an option only available through the desktop web interface.