Facebook – How to change the “owner” of a Facebook account


I am a member of a club, that has a Facebook account that was opened by the previous secretary. She has since left and we can't get in touch with her, hence are locked out of this account

Is there any way we could change the "owner" or cancel the account completely and start a new one?

One of our officials has started a new accounts already, but that just creates confusion, if anyone is looking for this account by the club's name (we now ended up having several)

We would like to delete them all, except for one.

BTW, have another, related, question.

So that this can't reoccur, is there a way of opening a Facebook account without ONE individual being the "owner"?

Best Answer

You cannot change owner of a Facebook account until owner has provided you email and password (or you have managed to get it from somewhere).

If it is a Facebook Page you can change the Admin or select more than one Admin if you are an Admin of that page.

As you have mentioned in the question she (owner) has left and you can't get in touch with her... so you don't have any option here to do anything with that account. It will always with her only.

Now, you can create a new Facebook account (better create a Page for the club instead of account), and report to the Facebook about the existing page, tell them in details and request to take it down.