Facebook – How to delete the Facebook posts from an open group where I’m no longer a member



Long time ago I have, unfortunately, created an embarrassing Facebook group and later decided to remove it. According to Facebook's instructions, that can be done by removing all members and then removing myself. The group disappeared. Now, after about 4 years, it turns out that four members were deactivating their accounts at the time of the deletion and the group has magically appeared again. Unfortunately, my only association with that group is two (very, very) embarrassing posts and I'm trying to delete them.


Is there any way to delete own post from an open group of which I'm not a member anymore? (Using Facebook UI, Graph API, a contact form, anything, any method)

Best Answer

Go to https://www.facebook.com/USERNAME/allactivity or click on the activity log on your profile page, and from there you should be able to view all your group posts (you can filter by category of activity), and then you can delete the comment.