Disable Irrelevant Facebook Notifications – How to


I get too many irrelevant Facebook notifications from friends of the activities which do not involve me at all. This include status updates, posting pictures, sometime comment replies and what not. I am not sure if I get these from all friends or a chosen few.

This is what my notifications look like

enter image description here

These are my notification settings

enter image description here

I tried contacting Facebook support so many times. Never received any response.

"Get Notifications" option is already unchecked for these friends. I even tried enabling "Get Notifications" and then disabled it just to make Facebook aware of it but it didn't stop notifications.

It looks a like a way to keep me active but instead it has made me leave Facebook for a very long time. What settings should I do to disable these notifications?


New settings UI allow you to turn off these notifications easily.

enter image description here

Best Answer

It's Facebooks way of getting you to use more Facebook. Which in your case, failed miserably.

They send these notifications to people who haven't had much of interaction on facebook to have a page full of notification.

Unfortunately, the way to get rid of these is to use more Facebook, get more friends and to interact with them. Just so that they can replace these notifications with something else.

Source: I've seen those when my mom signed up for Facebook and abandoned it for some days. Her notification was full of these craps.