Facebook – How to disable notifications in the personal profile for activity on pages I am an admin of


I'm an admin of several pages on Facebook (for technical stuff like RSS imports, etc.), but neither do I contribute content nor do I care about their content.

Still, as an admin, I get notifications (upper left hand, the globe icon) about activity (someone liked this, someone posted that) on those pages in my personal (!) profile .

Does anyone have the same issue? Is there any way to explicitly disable notifications for certain pages?

(This behavior seems to be new, by the way; I'm only seeing those notifications for a few weeks now.)

Best Answer

A few things you can try:

  1. Visit https://www.facebook.com/pages/edit/?id=[PAGE-ID]&sk=yoursettings Replace [PAGE-ID] with the ID of the page you're getting updates from. Make sure both of the check boxes on this page are not checked. (They are checked by default).

  2. You should also visit https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=notifications&section=Pages&view and click the "Pages" item to expand it, then click on the "Change email settings for individual pages" and uncheck the boxes pages you don't care about.

  3. On your news feed, click the down arrow in the upper right of the div containing a story from a page you don't care about and select "Hide all by [page name]".