Facebook – How to display the birth year in Facebook timeline


My birth year is not seen on my Facebook profile in timeline, at upper right.
How can do that ? I tried many things, added posts and changed their time to older time, my birthday time, but I couldn't do it.
I don't know if I have to use some FBML code for this.
Does anyone have a solution to this ?

Edit :
My birth day and year is visible to everyone.

Here is a screenshot :
In the image, "Doğdu" means born in Turkish.
enter image description here
In fact I have born in 1979 but
but here it seems as 2000.

Best Answer

What you're seeing is normal. Even if you have events the same year as your birth, there's just a line for "Born" (or, in your case, "Doğdu").

Here's a screen shot of mine:

timeline decade list

I was born before 1971.

So, click on Doğdu and you'll see your entry for when you were born.