Facebook – How to do bold and italic formatting in Facebook Chat


A follow-up to Text formatting enhancements on Facebook, how does one create bold and italic formatting in Facebook chat? Is it possible to provide emphasis within messages?

I think (maybe I'm going mad) that this used to work, but it hasn't been working lately.

Best Answer

This is what Facebook officially says

║      Format       │ Example  │                   Instructions                    ║
║ Italic            │  _Text_  │ Type an underscore before and after the text.     ║
║ Bold              │  *Text*  │ Type an asterisk before and after the text.       ║
║ Strikethrough     │  ~Text~  │ Type a tilde before and after the text.           ║
║ Monospace         │  `Text`  │ Type a backtick before and after the text.        ║
║ Codeblock         │   ```    │ 1. Type three backticks                           ║
║                   │   Text   │ 2. Type one line break (press shift + return)     ║
║                   │   ```    │ 3. Type your text                                 ║
║                   │          │ 4. Type another line break (press shift + return) ║
║                   │          │ 5. Type three more backticks                      ║
║ LaTeX typesetting │ \(Text\) │                                                   ║


Facebook formatting