Facebook Photos – How to Download a Cover Photo in Full Resolution


I got tagged in a picture, and would like to download it in full resolution (to print it because it is a nice picture of the whole soccer team).

PROBLEM: The picture has been uploaded as a Cover Photo, so the usual "Download" option does not appear:

enter image description here

enter image description here

What are my options to download the best-possible-resolution of the image?

I can always right-click and use the "Save Image" feature of the browser, but that downloads the low-resolution version of the picture (for big pictures, only a low-resolution version is sent to the browser, see dicussion in the comments here).

Best Answer

The image Download button does not appear if the image is a Cover Photo (in the 'Cover Photos' album). The Download button appears if the image is not a Cover Photo, even if it's uploaded by a non-Facebook friend.

The Chrome extension, DownAlbum or equivalent User/Greasemonkey script for other browsers like Firefox, will allow you to download the full-resolution version of images in the 'Cover Photos' album.