Facebook – How to extract friends’ birthday and contact information from Facebook


I'm tired of Facebook trying to get a hold of all my data and then sharing it with everyone. Can someone tell me a method of getting my friends' birthday and contact information out of Facebook so I can finally quit? I've tried the Yahoo import method but that only exports email addresses. I've also tried all applications like "Birthday exporter" etc and they export nothing (literally, their .csv files are empty!).

Best Answer

You can use Greasemonkey to extract your Facebook Phonebook:

  1. Install Greasemonkey for Firefox.

  2. Follow these instructions to install the script. The script is on Userscripts at http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/43681.

  3. Navigate over to http://m.facebook.com/friends.php? (You’ll have to login).

  4. Answer yes to the prompt and sit back – the script will move through your phonebook and eventually dump you a CSV of the results.

  5. Copy/Paste the CSV wherever you want.

  6. Uninstall the Greasemonkey script.

There is also an application named FBExport which is claimed to export your all Facebook data.

Facebook Export uses the Facebook Open Graph protocol to export your Facebook data to an xml file. Facebook Export does not store any data about you. You can then use this xml file to import your data to other services and websites that support the Facebook Export (FBE) format.