Facebook – Recovering a Previously Owned Username


I'm trying to get a Facebook username for my website's fan page (hereafter referred to as myusername). Unfortunately for me the situation is rather complicated as I didn't do things properly in the first place.

Here is what I did:

  • as I already had a username with my personal account and wanted to
    reserve the name ASAP, I created a dummy user account and reserved myusername with it.
  • some time after, I created a fan page for my website and asked some friends to like it.
  • as soon as I got 25 fans, I released myusername from the dummy account (by changing it to something else) in an attempt to use it for my fan page.

Here is the situation now:

  • myusername is no longer used by the dummy account (nor by any other account as when I go to /myusername I get the The page you requested was not found error).
  • My fan page has more than 25 fans and I can set a username.
  • When I check the availability for myusername it says that it's not available.
  • That's been the case for months now.

The solutions I see:

  1. Wait longer and hope myusername will eventually become available
    (I don't like that option).
  2. Contact Facebook via the Reporting a Violation or Infringement of Your Rights form and try to get them to manually give me
    myusername (I own the Trademark in several countries, including
    US and Canada).

Do you see any other solutions?

Best Answer

You already answered your own question. Go with the solution #2 that you posted in your question. Since you own the trademark the process should go pretty smoothly.