Facebook Page URL – How to Get www.facebook.com for Apps


I have my app up and running via:


Now I want to claim a page such as http://www.facebook.com/mycyberspaceapp

Can you tell me how? I want the page http://www.facebook.com/mycyberspaceapp to lead to

my http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=103297833078853

…where I can click "Go to App"


I still can't do it. It says:

This page needs more fans Before you can set your username for your
page, your page needs more fans.

But my app has 32 likes; is that not enough?

Best Answer

Getting the name is not enough for your apps. You'll end up at http://apps.facebook.com/<yourappname>

You can get the alias (http://www.facebook.com/<yourapp>) only if enough people "like" it (I think the minimum is 25 people). Works the same way for FB pages, I think.