Facebook – How to hide the friends list in Facebook


I don't want people to see my friend list when they look at my Facebook account. How can I hide my friends list from people looking at my Facebook account?

When I google for this, I see about 100 different answers, but they all refer to old Facebook versions, with buttons that are no longer there, so I'm trying to find an up to date answer.

Best Answer

As of 10/11/13:

  1. Click on your name in top right corner
  2. Click “Friends” at the top
    enter image description here
  3. Click the pencil image to “Manage”
    enter image description here
  4. Click “Edit Privacy”
    enter image description here
  5. Modify “Friend List” section by selecting from the drop down menu
    enter image description here

If you have timeline (which I assume you have):

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Click on your friends list
    enter image description here
  3. Click on Edit
    enter image description here
  4. In the popup, click on the icon from the right—in this case the globe, but you might have a different icon, like friends
    enter image description here
  5. Select Only me (or whatever other option you want)
    enter image description here

Is this what you are looking for?

  1. Go to your profile and click Edit in the top right corner
  2. From the menu in the left column, click Friends and Relationships
  3. Go to the Friends section and use the audience selector on the right side to control who can see your friends