Facebook – How to load old (1 month ago) messages from Facebook



enter image description here

(at some point "load more" button disappears)

Mobile App:

enter image description here

(pull down, infinite scroll, more messages won't load)

I opened Chrome Developer Tools to see what web requests are sent when I click "load more" button:

enter image description here

Sidenote: reputational risk and lost trust – I am a regular user – I wasn't abusing any functionality. If I was to send 1000 messages a day to all my contact book – I would understand that loading old messages is not working.

I'm actually really frustrated that such a basic functionality is not working.

Maybe I should report this case to FB security as my account is being hacked?

Best Answer

Accept new Terms & Conditions on WhatsApp.

Now I can access my old messages on Facebook.

EDIT 20 Nov 2016: It was working for a moment. As of Today I can scroll to 4 Sep 2016. Not cool :(