Facebook – How to make private Facebook “likes” on a page


In constant urge to keep myself updated on what's going on in other universities, I would like to like the official Facebook pages of these universities; but I also want to keep this activity private and not want to share it on my wall as to which universities I have recently liked.

Currently, I like the university and then goto my wall and remove the wall post, isn't there a privacy customization for it?

Best Answer

  1. Hit this link path:

    Account > Privacy Settings > Connecting on Facebook - View Settings

    It'll take you to a page entitled, "Choose Your Privacy Settings > Connecting on Facebook"

  2. Scroll down to the last section, "See your likes, activities and other connections"

  3. Set the privacy on that to Only Me.

Now, when you like a university (or anything else) it shouldn't show up on your wall.