Facebook – How to navigate on Facebook using shortcut keys

facebookkeyboard shortcuts

I'm trying to use shortcut keys to navigate on Facebook. I'm more specifically interested in joining a list of groups. So, I'd like to go to search tool bar, look up for the group, join it and then restart the loop again to the search tool bar.

I've come across this post but it didn't clarify much. It seems that different browser and operational systems use different shortcuts.

Best Answer

It sounds like you need TAB more than specific shortcut keys. You can use TAB to hop between input fields and buttons on the Facebook page, or SHIFT TAB to go backwards.

So you could do it like this with the keyboard:

  • Tab to the search field
  • Type in the group name and hit ENTER
  • Tab to the Join button and hit ENTER
  • Tab back up to the search bar to repeat the process