Facebook YouTube Embed – How to Post Embedded YouTube Video on Facebook


In the past, when I shared a YouTube link, it was showing as embedded content. Which allowed the user to watch the video from within Facebook.

Now, when I share a YouTube link it doesn't embed it anymore (only in comments).

Is there anyway to share the YouTube video as embedded content on Facebook?

I checked this question and the suggested solution is similar to what I used to do before – but it's 7 years old, so it makes sense that a lot has changed since then.

Best Answer

Facebook changed its behavior, and it's no longer possible - all links, including videos, will be opened externally, to mirror the mobile experience.

From a Bug Info found on facebook for developers:

Reply from Spencer Hitchcock | Facebook Team

It looks like this behavior is actually by design.

In our efforts to make News Feed an even more visual and engaging place to connect, we have been introducing new design updates in News Feed beginning in August 2017.

As part of these updates and to provide a consistent experience across desktop and mobile, external video link posts (both paid and organic) on desktop will look and function similar to other link posts. People will now tap on the links to go off of Facebook to watch videos instead of watching within News Feed — mirroring the experience available for such posts on mobile.