Facebook – How to prevent the friends seeing the friend’s posts, if he/she posts to ‘Friends of friends’ or to Public all the time


I don't want my friends to see my friend's posts, as some of them post to 'Friends of friends' and to 'Public', every single time, which is quite annoying and rude.

Best Answer

So there are people who you are currently Facebook-friends with who do something that you don't like because it impacts on other people.

In real-life, you would most probably stop being friends with them, because you don't like the consequences of their actions. So one effective option would be to simply un-friend them.

And I doubt that Facebook provides other options - because why should you have the right to determine what other people can say to your friends? You do have the right to not invite them both to the same party - but you cannot stop them meeting at the mall, or having other friends in common.