Facebook – How to remove Facebook page likes


I manage a Facebook page that had 150k likes. It was hacked. Then sold. Then Facebook gave the page back but it had doubled the amount of likes to 300k.

Half my likes are fake, which makes the page pointless and worse, every post I make it's flooded with likes and content in Arabic I would suppose from bot machines.

All instructions to remove likes point to:

Settings -> People and Other Pages

But on my page it had only a handfull of those and, after deletion, it currently shows "No results found" even though the page has currently 298k likes.

Anyone knows a way to remove those fake likes?

Best Answer

If all your likers are not showing up on

Settings -> People and Other Pages

an alternate way to handle the flood of content that you don't want might be to use their posts to remove them.

Each reply you get has an 'X' on the RHS. If you click on that it will Hide the comment. Then it will display several options where the reply used to be displayed:-

Unhide   Delete   Report   Ban <name>

You can then click to Ban that person.

This will only work for comments, not likes, but it will clean up any of the active users on your page that you don't want. Those that only like and don't comment are perhaps less of a worry anyway.